Three Dog Bakery (中環店)

Three Dog Bakery (中環店) -


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Three Dog Bakery (中環店)
地區: 中環
地址: KISOK #K2 ,Level 1, Central Pier 3, 11 Man Kwong Street, Central
營業時間: 11:00AM - 8:00PM(星期一至六,星期日休息)
商店推介: All Natural Ingredients. Oven-Baked Flavor
消費: 金
付款方式: Cash
電話: 2517 6786

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All Natural Ingredients. Oven-Baked Flavor

A tail-wag as you walk in the door. A constant cuddle companion. A big, slobbery smooch. Our four-legged friends give us so much everyday – of course we want to give back to them the very best we can! If there’s one thing we’ve learned it’s that the best way to reach your pup is through their belly – either with food or a good, old-fashioned tummy rub. Since drool-worthy, all-natural, oven-baked doggie delicacies are our specialty – the tummy rubbing is up to you.

In putting together the best, all-natural ingredients we admit, we had a little help. Our team consulted with vets, breeders, pet shop owners, pet lovers and even held our own in-house focus groups (the girls loved every minute of it). The results were conclusive. The ingredients make the difference – using healthier ingredients means healthier, more energetic dogs.

We do want to warn you, there may come a time when you get a little jealous of your dog. Who wouldn’t? Just a whiff of our rich and nutty peanut butter and you might find yourself drooling too. The thought of our sweet and delectable carob chip cookies has been known to set our legs kicking with delight. And that’s just scratching the surface of the ingredients we offer in our all-natural, oven-baked goodies.

Take a minute to read some more about our individual ingredients and learn how they lead to happier, healthier dogs (and jealous owners). 


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