黎昌生獸醫診所 (跑馬地店)

黎昌生獸醫診所 (跑馬地店) -


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黎昌生獸醫診所 (跑馬地店)
地區: 跑馬地
地址: 跑馬地山光道1A 意盧小築地下B舖 (跑馬地電車總站附近)
營業時間: 10:30AM - 2:00PM, 4:00PM - 7:30PM(星期一至日), 公眾假期休息
商店推介: The practice is not just limited to dogs and cats, but will often see rabbits, chinchillas, birds, hamsters and other exotic animals.
消費: 銀
付款方式: Cash
電話: 2893 2988
Fax: 2893 2990
網址: http://www.dreric.com.hk
備註: 敬請預約

推介 OK 無意見
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Dr. Eric's Animal Clinic is located in Happy Valley and Tseung Kwan O. The two clinics are own and operated by Dr. Eric Lai. The practice is not just limited to dogs and cats, but will often see rabbits, chinchillas, birds, hamsters and other exotic animals.

Dr. Eric owns and operates all three clinics since its openning in 2003. He has been a veterinarian for 10 years and is very active in promoting animal health in the community. He appears as a regular radio presenter on RTHK 2 at 11:30am every Monday for 2 years, he is commonly interviewed about both animal health & care and topical issues by Sing Tao, Apple Daily, Sing Pao, South China Morning Post, Ming Pao, Oriental, TVB, Asia Television and many magazines and other Hong Kong media.  Dr. Eric often appears on Media from overseas including those from China and Taiwan. Currently Dr. Eric has a weekly column in Friday's South China Morning Post City Section called Urban Jungle, where is shares with Hong Kong his opinions on animals, the environment and society. Dr. Eric also appears every Tuesday on the Children's Education Show After School, where he educations children about animal welfare and care.  He is also a consultant for the Hong Kong Consumer Council on occasional on matters related to pets.

Dr. Eric has had many years of experience with Animal Welfare having worked both at the R.S.P.C.A in Australia and the S.P.C.A in Hong Kong.  He is currently working with Hong Kong Dog Rescue and Hong Kong Alley Cats to desex and treat animals that need help.  He has a special interest in exotics especially rabbits, hamsters, chinchillas, birds and fishes, having worked a short while at Ocean Park.  Dr. Eric is one of the recommended vets by the Hong Kong Rabbit Association. He also is the Chairman for the Animal Charity Hong Kong Pets Association.

It is our mission to provide the best possible medical and surgical care in a friendly and caring atmosphere. Our ultimate mission is to improve animal welfare and awareness in Hong Kong by educating the public to animal related issues.

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簡介: 位於馬鞍山鞍祿街18號新港城中心2樓
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好去處: 大家樂 Café de Coral (海富中心店)
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好去處: (已搬遷) 鬆弛熊館 Rilakkuma Shop (觀塘總店)
地區: 觀塘
消費: $1-$100
簡介: 鬆弛熊館 Rilakkuma Online Shop - 鬆弛熊各類產品


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